Hale Pāwa’a
1401 S Beretania St, #450 Honolulu, HI, 96814
Phone: (808) 457-1082. Kindly leave us a voicemail, or send us a message here. If you leave a voicemail, we’ll call you within one business day.
Hours: 8AM -6PM
Monday through Friday.
We are by appointment only. Please do not miss your appointment!
On the map below, you will see that we are on the corner of South Beretania and Keeaumoku Streets.
See below: Our building has its own parking structure (in background). After parking, take the elevators to the ground floor. You can then walk outside via covered walkway to the main entry, pictured. There is ample parking in the garage which you may access from either South Beretania or Young Street. We have parking validation. For those taking the bus, the 1, 1L, 2, and 2L bus lines stop near our building. The stop ID is 39, S Beretania St + Keeaumoku St.